Its not just how much sugar we eat, its more about the frequency we eat sugar. Sugary food includes anything that contains sugar, such as chocolate, ice-cream, fruit juice and carbohydrate(starch) like chips, biscuits. The bacteria in our mouth turn the sugar molecule into acids which attack our teeth structure, causing decays. The more often we eat sugar and carbs, the more often those acids get a chance to chip away our teeth. Research has shown that it takes about 20 minutes to neutralise most of the acids the bacteria created every time we consume sugar. But if we have another sugary food in mouth, our mouth is constantly under the effect of bacteria and acids and have no chance of recovering through remineralisation by saliva. Eventually, tooth decay can lead to pain, swelling, root canal treatment or tooth lose. It can be devastating for most of us. So, its far better to consume your sugar and carbs during normal meals, and reduce or eliminating habit of snacking or sipping, together with correct brushing, and regular dental check up and clean. Consult with our dentist to find out your current condition and prevention strategies.